tesla charging
Electric Vehicles,  TRANSPORTATION

Electric Car Charging Anxiety

When the Nissan Leaf (the first electric vehicle by a major auto company) came on the market in 2010, “range anxiety” was the major concern of consumers. even though the Leaf had a range that was twice the number of miles that the average American drove daily. Today, the range of electric vehicles (EVs) has increased dramatically, with some makes having a range of almost 400 miles. 

As expected, sales of EVs have increased to the point where now, some drivers have experienced problems with finding available charging stations. “Charging anxiety” has replaced “range anxiety” as a concern for EV owners as well as for potential buyers. 

The good news is that new charging stations are coming online all the time. Between March and November of 2020. the number of charging stations increased from 24,207 to 27,674 and the number of individual chargers increased from 78,544 to 90,576 

“Charging anxiety” is fast becoming a problem of the past. You can check the latest numbers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s website here:: https://afdc.energy.gov/stations/states

Photo courtesy of Tesla

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