• Herbs,  Home Garden

    A Hawthorn Tree for Your Garden

    Many forms of hawthorn are found in city gardens as well. Therefore, the hawthorn can be a good choice for small gardens. It’s an easy to grow deciduous tree with a compact 20’-30’ habit and year-round interest

  • Recycle

    Can I Recycle This?

    Oregon's Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act. This Act is a system-wide update that will make recycling easier for the public, expand access to recycling services, create a single statewide recycling list, and upgrade the facilities that sort recyclables.

  • Heat Pump
    Go Electric,  Heat Pumps,  Heating & Cooling

    Save the Planet & Money with Heat Pumps

    Super high-efficiency electric heat pumps have become very common in all parts of the world for water heating, space heating, and air conditioning. They can operate in even the coldest climates and deliver the same heating and cooling benefits, often at lower operating costs. In addition, heat pumps powered by renewable energy produce zero emissions! Heat pumps are super-efficient because they use very little energy to move heat. Heat pumps have been used for decades to transfer heat out of your refrigerator to keep it cold on the inside and for air conditioning systems to cool your house. The same technology can now heat and cool your home or heat…

  • Heating & Cooling,  Home Garden,  Nature,  Preparedness

    Between a Rock and a Hot Place

    Balancing the Sources of Heat in the Home Landscape Take a leaf. No, actually, don’t you dare touch that leaf! Well, why? It’s dead. No good to me now. Well, actually, it’s as valuable now as when it was on the tree. Why? Because it’s going to rot and then become another tree that produces other leaves. Composted leaves are free fertilizer. They’re nature’s oldest form of recycling. The Xerces Society is a non-profit trying to help wildlife, especially pollinators (bees, butterflies, etc.) and endangered species. A few years ago, they promoted a “Leave the Leaves” project in the fall, so there would be protected places for wildlife over the…

  • puppet on letter c
    Book Reviews,  RE-THINK,  Think Piece

    The Letter C

    These days, two C words I think a lot about are Climate and Change. Betty Shelley Does that remind you of Sesame Street? I loved watching it with our son when he was little; it was a good way to have some quiet time with him while learning interesting things. One of the things they did on the show was highlighting a particular letter, explaining how to use it in spelling various words like Cat and Cow and Cup and COOKIE! And they would use the words in sentences to make sure the children Comprehended the meaning of the word. These days, two C words I think a lot about are Climate and Change. Other C words that come to…

  • Education,  EVENT

    Global Earth Repair Summit

    October 21 – 24, 2022 An Invitation to participate in a global, local event Come together in person, as communities, as local restoration pods to plant trees and do restoration work. Meet Restorationists from far and wide: to network, share information, and do action planning for global, scaled-up efforts. Be part of a growing, global movement to re-green Earth! For more info: www.globalearthrepairfoundation.org Contact Michael Pilarski: friendsofthetrees@yahoo.com