• decomposing hiking boots
    RE-THINK,  Recycle,  Repair,  Reuse

    Greener Apparel from the Bottom Up

    Years ago, I slipped and fell in the Sierras on a backpacking trip because my beloved and comfortable hiking boots had traveled so many hundreds of miles on my feet that they had nearly slick soles. I condemned those boots to the landfill — oops! Turns out that I’m not Goody Two Shoes after all, since it takes more than 50 years for leather shoes to break down in a landfill. Apparently, they will still be there for some time after I’m gone. Older and wiser now, I bought a quality pair of hiking boots to replace them. But with wisdom and age, also comes wider feet. Every time I…

  • child in nature
    Education,  Home Garden,  Nature

    Planting the Seeds:

    One of the gifts of childhood is an eager and natural curiosity of the young learner’s mind. The study of plants is one of the most interesting and accessible activities to engage learners of all ages.