• Joyous Woman in Field
    Personal Health,  Think Piece


    What will you remember most about this last year in which all of us were faced with a pandemic that abruptly put a halt to “normal” everyday life? I have to admit that it was pretty unnerving at the beginning when it was all an altered reality. Simple activities such as going to the grocery store made us anxious, and we rushed to get our food and leave as quickly as possible, and then we washed the food when we got home. It was stressful, no doubt about it.  My husband and I both felt such gratitude that we were retired and not having to figure out work, educating children,…

  • Nature,  Publisher's Page,  Think Piece

    Invest in the Future:

    When is the Best Time to Plant a Tree? As I sit in my recliner, looking out at our yard through rain-streaked windows, I am overcome with pride and a wonderful sense of accomplishment at what I see. What was an abandoned field 18 years ago, today has raised beds for vegetables, four different types of berry bushes, plus a wide variety of other flowers and plants that are colorful and beneficial to wildlife. But it’s the trees that we have planted over the last 18 years that amaze me the most. They are an eclectic group of paulownia, ash, apple, plum, fig, locust, cedar, maple, and mimosa trees, all…

  • Student Climate Strike poster
    Recycle,  Reduce,  Refuse,  Repair,  Think Piece,  Zero Waste

    Fix it Forward

    When we first moved into our home 40 years ago, the front door lock didn’t work quite right. One day I decided to fix it. Ha! I learned that it just wasn’t that simple. In order to fix it, I needed to understand how it worked. If you want to fix something, it is wise to take the time to find out how it works, how all the pieces fit together.  It has become evident that many, many things are out of balance and fundamentally needs fixing: the economy, health care, the food system, partisan politics, climate change and environment, social and racial inequities, and education. This long list can…

  • perfect home painting
    Publisher's Page,  Think Piece

    Dunn Fixxin

    In the early 1980s, I was involved in several of the many reforestation projects that were taking place in the blast zone resulting from the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. Our crew was stationed in Longview, so each day, we had about an hour’s drive through scattered homes, small farms, and occasional businesses on the way to our planting area.  About midway, there was a home that stood out from all the rest, so much so that I have never forgotten it. And not because it was impressive in size or had a spectacular setting. In fact, just the opposite was the case. It was a small, unassuming house in…

  • house of matches on fire
    Publisher's Page,  Think Piece

    House Fires

    Greta Thunberg gets it: our house is on fire. This is the second time in my lifetime that our house has been on fire. I was only 3 years old when Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941, thus starting WW II. I was too young then to remember that day, but I do remember the cold day in February of 1946 when my father came home from the Philippines. Our family was lucky, others weren’t, as more than 400 thousand didn’t come home. It took more than 16 million Americans (out of a population of only 140 million) serving in the military to put that fire out, plus…

  • Re-genration America pic
    FOOD,  Organics,  RE-THINK,  Think Piece

    The RE-Generation

    During our class, Less is More: Getting to One Can of Garbage a Year, we talk about the three familiar Rs – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. After we discuss these three in order of importance, we ask folks to identify more Rs to move their thinking further upstream. Their suggestions include: Repurpose, Resist, Restore, Repair, Refuse, Reconnect, and Reimagine. Practicing any or all of these behaviors can rehabilitate our planet. Choose the actions that appeal to you and work them into your daily habits. We can all be part of the RE-Generation, no matter when we were born! Another R that is getting more attention now is Regenerate. According to Wikipedia, “the term “regenerative” describes processes…

  • graphic uniting images
    FOOD,  Organics,  Think Piece

    Regenetarians Unite

    Regenetarians United Can Change the World “The whole world is a garden, and what a wonderful place it would be if we each took care of our part of the Earth, our garden.” ~Voltaire As eaters, we are all farmers deciding what kind of farming system exists in the world that feeds us: our plate is our farm, our fork our pitchfork, our knife our slaughtering knife. One- third of the Earth’s surface is covered in arable farm and range- lands. Regenerative practices can restore soil health and organic matter relatively quickly, within five to ten years. If we each take responsibility for our section of the garden as consumers, at…

  • Eat Right America Andi 1000
    Book Reviews,  FOOD,  Personal Health


    Especially During Holidays Let’s face it, once the Holiday eating season is upon us, who can resist the seasonal delights? All year long we yearn for mouthwatering holiday foods. My sister’s Figgie pudding (with hard sauce) is my real weakness. It actually hijacks my brain cells to indulge.  Going into the Holiday Eating Season, I practice Conscious Eating by being aware of my blood sugar fluctuations, and not “starving-to-binge” by missing meals just to take on more calories later. Approaching a big feast with an empty stomach just makes me heap my first plate full and (fill my dessert stomach too early) before the second plate arrives. Finally, it’s how…